The Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre NLR is an independent non-profit organisation that provides technological support to aerospace industries, operators of civil and military aircraft, airports, air navigation service providers, authorities and international organisations, all over the world. NLR is a customer-oriented research organisation, working under national and international contracts in projects concerning aircraft development, aircraft operations, and space technology. NLR realizes an annual turnover of approximately 75 million euro. NLR employs a staff of about 650 in two main establishments, one in Amsterdam and one in Marknesse. Over two-thirds of the staff graduated from universities or technical colleges. NLR is the connecting link between science, industry and government and the key knowledge enterprise for aerospace technology in the Netherlands. With more than 100 years of experience, its mission is to ensure greater sustainability, safety and efficiency through innovation in aerospace technologies and applications. With world-class expertise and state of the art facilities NLR is highly skilled to fulfil the needs of its stakeholders in the aerospace sector. NLR generates 75% of its turnover directly from the market and develops and exploits capabilities to support its stakeholders in developing marketable products and services in the field of aviation, aeronautics industry and space. NLR also provides materials for policy development by the ministries that are responsible for the safety and environmental aspects of air transport. About half of NLR’s industrial activities are carried out on behalf of small and medium-sized businesses. NLR has been a centre for knowledge in the field of aviation for more than 100 years. NLR has world-class research facilities, such as wind tunnels, simulation facilities, prototyping and test equipment, a Cessna Citation and a Pipistrel Velis for test flights. The aircraft are flown and maintained in-house. Since 2015, NLR also has a Part 21 Design Organisation recognition. 

In EPICC NLR will contribute to WP4 Innovative Virtual Assistant. The main focus will be on the development of guidelines for developing effective assistants.