University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Croatian leading educational and research institution in the fields of electrical engineering, information and communication technology and computing, participates in the EPIIC project within work packages WP4 “Innovative virtual assistant” and WP8 “Crew states identification algorithms”. Its main activities within WP8 are based on the research of the Laboratory for Interactive Simulation Systems related to the multimodal neuropsychophysiological assessments of human performance and mental resilience in stressful environments (e.g., pilots, air traffic controllers, special forces, etc.). These research experiences are applied in the EPIIC project for pilot overall functional state assessment, in cooperation with researchers from the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, as well as psychologists/neuroscientists from the University of Zagreb/Croatian Institute for Brain Research. Main activities within WP4 are related to conceptualizing the virtual assistant and defining the use cases and top-level functions based on the review of the state of the art. Additionally, research efforts will be done in the area of interaction of virtual assistant with the pilot in terms of interaction modalities, collaboration approaches and principles. Quality evaluations of the specific functionalities of the virtual assistant will be conducted. These activities are based on the previous work of Multimedia Quality of Experience Research Lab (MUEXlab) related to using novel technologies for interaction with the virtual world, and quality assessment of different multimedia services with focus on real time interactive services.